User flow in Webinar

This project was completed in 2016 at Microsoft.

Webinar here refers to the webinar section on  It includes 3 main pages, a landing page, a new webinar registration page and a webinar record detail page.

  • There was no user system on The question become how could the information submitted by users be recorded? It was apparent that a balance needed to be stuck between setting up a user-friendly process and, at the same time, maintaining appropriate levels of security.
  • Another problem was related to the business request process.  It was designed to collect user information on both the registration part and the records page.  We needed to determine how users could avoid filling out multiple forms.  We would also have to persuade the sales team to reduce or eliminate the long forms.
  • The current quality for the webinar picture records was quite low.  We needed to determine how to prevent them from negatively impacting the layout.
  • We also needed to consider how to make the process user-friendly on mobile devices.
Solutions and Delivery
  • It was determined that we could not achieve filling out the form only once for registration and records through discussions with the developers.  We were informed by the sales team that only information that was downloaded required forms to be filled out on the records page.  Once the required forms had been filled out on the records section, users would be able to access all this information.
  • The forms were shortened as much as possible in order to facilitate contact with potential users.
  • Cards with title and description were put into place instead of video screenshots on the landing page in order to have more control over the layout.
  • Discussions with Project Managers and Developers resulted in providing the concealment of resource downloading on mobile devices. We were able to optimize the layout for mobile devices.
  • Following competitive analysis and review, it was proposed that the content be presented on the page using the 5W theory (When, Where, Who, What and Why). Additionally, it was decided to build the connections to other content on the website.

See the details of the flow→