Purchase Global Azure or Azure in China

I spent a week in May 2018 to accomplish this project.


This is a page under Microsoft.com/china for the users to buy Global services or services in China. There are 3 typical scenarios. First, users in China would like to extend their business worldwide. They’d buy global service. Second, global Azure customers who would like to buy Azure service in China. Third, users in China who would like to buy Azure service in China.

Version 1.0 of this site was an introduction page that described the difference between Global and China Azure. The analytics of the site was showing that the customer experience was sub-optimal and the conversion rate was very low. Business stakeholders changed the goals for this page.  I became the one who took the challenge, responsible for the redesign of the page and increasing the click-through rates. We made an agreement that I can’t drive the conversion directly because it was influenced by a number of parameters. I focused on increasing the clicks of the promotion entry points and I completed this task in one week.


First of all, I wanted to ensure there is consensus on the goals of this page.  Below is the result of the discussions with a list of design goals with priorities.

  1. Increase the clicks of the Free trial and 1 RMB trial button.
  2. Increase the clicks of Purchase links.
  3. Introduction of Azure under Microsoft.com/china.

I quickly drafted several proposals and reviewed them with all stakeholders. I then converted the selected proposal into wireframes of the 2.0 version of the site.  The most important changes I made were in the sequence of the sections that guide the user in accomplishing the task. See the 3 proposals as below.

Besides conspicuous buttons on the banner on the first view of the page, I fixed the promotion buttons that show up at the bottom of the page when the user scrolls the banner section out of view. This applied for both PC and mobile version of the page.

Hi-fi mockups

I, also, used this opportunity to fine-tune several style details of the page.




The business team was concerned that too many links on this page was distracting users and leading them away from the core task. I checked the data on 1.0 version of the page and determined that vast majority of clicks were focused on the promotion buttons. On the other hand, users that wanted to explore the Azure services, could follow the links, learn more about the services they are interested in. Each service page had a prominent link to the Azure signup pages. Both experiences were leading users to accomplish the signup task. 



You could find the layout optimization on mobile on the section “Global Azure and Azure in China”.


Wording detail changed when it was online. See it online →