My picture book

This was my bachelor’s degree graduation project when I majored in visual communications.  It recorded my thoughts during college life from 2007-2011.  The project included a picture book and may related items.  The image of the girl in the book was supposed to be my self-portrait.  It always brings to my mind a love for design.

  • Communicate with the printing house. Everything about the project had to be completed by me. I needed to evaluate each of the components one by one and select the best option.  For example, there were various kinds of paper in different thicknesses, each with a different sense of touch and different luster.
  • The related products in the picture book were also are made by me.  I went to the wholesale market to purchase the raw materials to prepare the tools and materials for texture mapping.
  • For the related products such as cards, bookmarks, cloth bags, bowls etc.,  I spent an equivalent amount of time making them, compared with the painted ones.
  • Below are the pictures of some of these.