Infographics of materials sensory test in China for KONE

These were completed in 2011 for Kone, an elevator company. The three infographics represent sensory materials of modern Chinese consumers in different dimensions. They were printed on A0 board. The research was collected from interviews of fifty people who ranged in age between fifteen and forty five years.  The words in the pedal-shaped graphic describe twelve sensory feelings. They are “Youthful”, “Exquisite”, “Natural”, “Soft”,”Simple”, “Functional”, “Sophisticated”, “Technology”,”Glorious”, “Powerful”,”Robust”, “Dazzling.”

The infographic shown below highlights the Top Five materials for each feeling. The length of the bars shows the degree to which that particular material is able to accurately reflect that feeling.  Colors correspond with materials, making it easy to track the same color in different feelings. 


The circle shape on the right shows what materials are able to bring about a particular feeling. The larger the area, the stronger the feeling is. The difference between the infographic above is that it shows all the materials associated with a sensory word with no exact degrees.


The size of the circles are used to express the relative impact of each material.  In order to make the identification of the materials easier, their names were positioned at the top.  The pie chart diagrams below show the degree to which various kinds of materials impact the feelings of individuals.
