Visual elements library

Put all visual elements here, including icons, illustrations and images. They were made for topics, articles, promotion banners, etc. It is updated from time to time.

I started to do Lotties animations for our lighting systems in 2020, trying to use animation to explain the complicated terms that sometimes the installers and configurators can’t understand, and to show the relationships between the control app and physical devices. They are not complicated animations but does help for better and simpler understanding.

The animation on the left below is about lighting levels, what task level, background level and vacant level mean, while the animation in the middle is for the recommendation for using a lux meter when the user is doing daylight calibration. The animation on the right explains what the term high and trim means.

The light animations below are used to tell users the position of the driver and dongle/phone. Because the position of the symbol on the driver now is a bit confusing. It is on the top, but the signal is actually from the side.

Below are illustrations for Microsoft Azure.


The picture is designed for an article, telling about high availability of servers. It is a formula, Availability=f(MTBF, MMR). MTBF is the abbreviation of “Mean Time Between Failures,” a measure of how reliable a hardware product or component is. While MTTR, “Mean Time To Repair” is a basic measure of the maintainability of repairable items. It represents the average time required to repair a failed component or device. Therefore, availabilty=MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR) * 100%, using the formula to do the design for this article.


Poster of space.
space-themed poster